Hi guys!!!
Well, natural brilliance has come to the rescue at TAFE. My first Anat & Phys exam netted me 89%... WOOT! It gives me a nice window of comfort for the next one... (cue evil laughter) muhahaha....
And then in a communications role play last Wednesday I earned 75%... thanks goodness for Mr Harris, an new amputee who was concerned about his star greyhound, "Blue Steel", racing at Dapto last Saturday because his wife, Sylvie, was too busy to train him....... well, we were told that Mr Harris had pain after his leg amputation; the rest was my invention.......
I've handed in my "Legal Studies" essay early today (it wasn't due in until Friday) as there is a major Interview/Role Play scenario assessment tomorrow, termed 'OSCA' (Objective Structured Clinical Assessment)... very scary..... Then next Tuesday, there is another role play assessment on Risk Assessment, plus an assignment on OH&S. The following Friday there is an exam on Nursing Practice....... Before the end of the month I have a day of clinical placement at Singleton Hospital, followed by another Anat & Phys exam the next day. I've got 4 nights of Senior First Aid as well over the next 2 weeks as well. More exams and assessments follow on over the last few weeks...... Phew!
I guess I'd better get off here and get on with my revision. I'm not really all that confident about OSCA.......
One more thing; My friend, Katrina, is having a lumpectomy & her axillary lymph glands removed tomorrow morning about 9 o'clock, so all any healing thoughts you can send her way would be appreciated. And check your breasts, my friends. Please.
And I think I've finally worked what Mothers' Day is all about now that Mum is gone......
Ok.... It's head down, bum up for me for now.
Love to you all, Bloggie :0)
Yeah Cyndy! Keep up the good work! You will be a full fledged nurse in no time! (does a happy dance in the kitchen while dogs look quizzically at me)
Wow, ye have been busy!
Congrats on the good scores... excellento!
Jac xXx
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