Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The whole time I'd never seen that all I'd need was inside me......

You know, I don't think that I have mentioned to y'all that I am on holidays. I have unpacked some very patient boxes, and have been slowly getting my house in order. I rang the hospital at Scone to see if they wanted me back, and you know what? They didn't have me on the roster. I suggested that another week off work would be ok if they needed me to take it......... I don't start back at work until October 6!

Yeehah!!!!!! Not that I don't want to go back: I do. I'm really looking forward to building on the new skills that I have learned: there is so much that I have to learn......

Anyway, this isn't a long post. I have another one in mind that I will compose later. I am listening to Sinead O'Connor at the moment. I love her heartfelt, headstrong forthrightness. And her voice is a gift from within. She quotes the serenity prayer at the beginning of her album:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Evidently, this is the Alcoholics Anonymous adaptation of this well known piece of prose. I thought that it very old, but Wikipedia gives credit to Reinhold Niebuhr, who used it in a sermon in 1934.

Wiki also offers a juxtaposition by W.W. Bartley, with a Mother Goose rhyme, written about 1695:
For every ailment under the sun
There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it;
If there be none, never mind it.
What do you think? Me, I've no idea. I just love the sentiment. It's probably the underwriting of my belief about life. That's me: If there is a problem, fix it. If you can't...... Meh. You can't do everything, or control everything in life.
Maybe I'm more like the Mother Goose rhyme.... Yeah... take God out of the equation..... or not..... because that makes me responsible........ Meh......

Too much time on my hands.......

Too much time to think.........

Did I mention that I'm on holidays?????????????????????????

Hmmmm..... you might get sick of a relaxed Blogmuggle...... I'll be back later.

See ya!


Anonymous said...

I love the poem one. But then, you could put pretty much anything in prose and I'll believe it, that's how my brain works! LOL
Glad you are on holidays, you deserve it.
Will miss you on friday, but make sure you drop in for coffee sometime when you are visitng us here in Lake Macq.
Jac xXx

Jewell said...

you enjoy the extra week...hols likes are hard to come by...sit back, relax, have a chilled glass of wine and a hugh block of chocolate xxx