Tuesday, March 03, 2009

L-O-L-A.......... Lola

Yesterday was spent at another Blogmuggle family funeral. Beloved's paternal sister-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2007, & given the all clear until last November, when a sudden loss in Lola's sight led to the diagnosis of secondary cancers in her brain. Lola, aged 75, was laid to rest on the hill in Wallsend cemetary, where she can watch the goings-on of the town where she has spent the last 53years. She & husband, John, were married in Bundarra at the tender ages of 21 & 22 respectively.

Following the Funeral service & Eucharist Mass, the more personal part of the service was finalised when the song, "They tried to tell us we're too young..." sung by Nat King Cole, was played. It was lovely.

They try to tell us we're too young
Too young to really be in love
They say that love's a word

A word we've only heard
And can't begin to know the meaning of

And yet, we're not too young to know
This love will last tho' years may go
And then, some day, they may recall
We were not too young at all

And yet, we're not too young to know
This love will last tho' years may go
And then, some day, they may recall
We were not too young at all

After 53 years, six children & six grandchildren, maybe they were right.

I love the part in the mass where you turn to the people around you offering the greeting "Peace be with you..."

If only we really meant it. And for longer than the period of time within the walls of the church........

I don't know why the italics won't stop..........

More sad news over my weekend:

Saturday night was spent in the company of delightful friends. One girlfriend has been purposefully pulling her life back together after the very drawn-out breakdown/up of her marriage. She has began a new relationship with a man that I believe will be an important part of her life. Unfortunately, he has very recently been diagnosed with primary cancer on his eye (initially thought to be a detatched retina), and has some suspicious spots on his lungs.......

And then.......

Last night, I received an email from a very special girlfriend. Her mum, an extraordinarily robust & healthy 81 yr old, has been diagnosed with secondary liver cancer in the last few weeks. Until yesterday, the docs had been unable to find the primary cancer. Unfortunately for Mary, the primary cancer is in her pancreas, & there's not much that they can do except to try & buy her a little more time. But the treatment will make her quite unwell. What awful decisions they have to make.........

But life's not all bad in the Muggle house. Arty Farty Michelle is right. Life's gold nuggets are there, hidden in the mire: you just have to keep looking for them. And sometimes, they just find their own way to the surface......... a bit like a splinter working it's way out of your finger......

In the meantime, Peace be with you..............



Unknown said...

wow- you certainly are doing the rounds of the funerals these days sweet cousin of mine.
keep sorting through, people like you always find gold....becasue like attracts like xxx

Michelle said...

Yes, what she said.

Love to you muggle xxxx

Natalie said...

Sending a hug to you Cyndy. Thank you for being kind to me.xx

Jen said...

Hugs to you Cyndy....
