Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I'm Baaaackkk.....

Exciting, isn't it...the blogmugglers' back!
The last few days away just flew by, and I arrived home about 2.30am this morning, full of the juice of 2 "Red Bulls" that were necessary to keep me awake for the drive home. So, thank heavens that everyone else had been blogging in my absence, and I had some quality reading. Bed beckoned about 3.30am, and a well-meaning friend sent a text message shortly before 6am enquiring as to whether we made it home safe and sound. I simply replied 'yes, thank you. Have a good day'. It was amazing that I managed that much; I am very slow at texting at the best of times, and I was very asleep when my phone made the 'beep beep-beep, beep-beep" sound.
I had to wait until tonight before commenting on your postings, so you may miss them anyway. So much has happened to the members of our little group, but there is an overwhelming feeling of love and support; it is palpable, which is amazing to me when you consider that we don't actually touch each other, but you can still feel it! I'm sure that it has nothing to do with the powers of cyberspace, and all about the beautiful people involved (and the power of words!).
The travelling motorboys completed the 1st half of their holiday, arriving safe and sound in Perth this afternoon. Scorpa Boy can cross off one item off his "To Do List" of his life; he has peed off the Great Australian Bight; he said when you gotta go, you gotta go! I'm just glad the wind was blowing the right way....those "Roaring Forties" can be evil...evidently......Beloved doesn't seem to be sick of driving yet, but he's glad for a few days off from the big drives. I still can't believe that they managed to travel so far, so quickly, with one driver. At least they will have another driver to share the driving on the trip home. The competition is on Saturday and Sunday, and there are rides planned for everyday. Fingers (and everything else) crossed that they don't break something on the bikes; the bank balance is very lean after the major rebuild on Beloved's bike before they left.
Gorgeous Girl, Vegeboy and I had a good weekend. I managed to catch up with family and friends, including having a very vegetarian meal, as cooked by Prue, with Lisa and her family on Sunday night. It was wonderful for the kids to spend time together..the two teenstrange boys made the silliest video and had a great time before posting it on the net...My Vegeboy's debut performance! Prue and Elly haven't really played together in years; I think they managed the teen-strange equivalent without too much effort. My favourite builder, Marc, perused my potential house renovation plans, provided some great ideas, and promoted a few more grey hairs for me with an estimate of cost. Like most renovators, Beloved and I have a budget for our renovation; we may not be far off with the estimation for our additions. Having said that, the renovations so far have probably cost about a third more than we had originally estimated, so.......Par for the course, I'd say......Of course, it goes without saying that Lisa and I had a little chat...it's probably my fault that she had a scratchy throat, and felt tired....
Oh well, it was back to work today, which was actually a good day. I was tired, but it doesn't seem to have mattered. It's just gone 11pm, and here I am as usual, in front of the computer. It's time to go.. Sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite,
Love, Bloggie;) xoxoxo


Anonymous said...

Bout time you got back!

Cyndy said...

Go to bed, woman.....or is he still in the shed......lol...

Anonymous said...

glad you are home safe & back on blogsville- need to see the video- am i the dark.........
me x

Anonymous said...

My husband did the same thing off the Bight as well!...lol

Anonymous said...

....whats he got to do with bed?